Choosing the Perfect Wi-Fi Router for Your Apartment


The modern equivalent of living under a rock is not being connected to the internet. The internet holds everything important ranging from the news to developments. That’s why communication companies spend millions of dollars on research & development to discover new ways of making internet speeds faster.

No matter what you use the internet for - whether you’re a remote worker, a gamer, or a movie lover – you need to get a Wi-Fi router with stable internet speed. However, most people get confused when they’re trying to make a choice.

Below, you’ll see the factors that you need to consider when purchasing a Wi-Fi router for 3 bedroom apartments for rent in Jacksonville.

Choosing Between Single-Unit and Mesh Routers

If you don’t understand how routers work, you’ll certainly get confused when making a choice. Although both single-unit and mesh routers connect well to the internet, variables like the type of plumbing in your home and the square feet of your apartment should influence your choice.

A single-unit wireless router has to be plugged into your model. Since they’re relatively inexpensive, single-unit routers are purchased by apartment renters in homes with a size of less than 1500 square feet. The closer you are to a single-unit router, the stronger the network.

A mesh router works best for big-sized apartments since the network connection is stronger even in the farthest of rooms. The people who choose mesh routers live in homes built with materials that block wireless signals.

Generally, a mesh wireless router is more expensive than a single-unit variant. The cost ranges from $100 to $250. Depending on the additional equipment you might be purchasing, your cost can run into thousands of dollars.





The Best Internet Speed for Your Apartment

Megabits per second (Mbps) is the unit for measuring internet speed. To find out your router’s internet speed, you can type ‘network speed test’ into Google’s search box and find out the average download and upload speed of your network.

Depending on the plan you choose, your network speed may be fast or slow. If you’re looking to choose a router with decent internet speed, you need to consider the online activity that you’re engaging in.

If you simply browse the internet for news and text-based information, a speed of 1 Mbps can be okay for you. Using your device to watch social media videos in standard quality requires about 4 Mbps. If you mostly watch HD videos and download stuff, you can manage with a speed of about 10 Mbps.

However, watching 4K HD videos needs a constant speed of 25 Mbps and above.