What Is An HVAC Emergency?



When you encounter an HVAC emergency, your entire world comes to a quick and utter halt. You cannot do much if your HVAC system isn’t working. You will be sweating, nervous, and rushing to your computer to search for “HVAC companies near me,” desperate to have your issues fixed as soon as possible.


HVAC systems are one of the best parts of modern living and you can’t truly be comfortable without one. That is why you need to know what constitutes an HVAC emergency and what you should do when one pops up.


The sad truth is that there are plenty of emergencies that can go wrong with your HVAC system but here are just a few you should be aware of.


Electrical Problems: Sometimes faulty electrical connections and wiring can cause your HVAC system to stop functioning like it should. There are in fact many intricate, complicated systems within your HVAC unit and when one of them is on the fritz, it can cause system failure or, even worse, possibly pose fire risks or create electrical hazards too. All in all, these problems can make a bad situation way worse in the blink of an eye.


Gas Leak: There are many HVAC systems that use gas for heating and that means that a gas leak can be one of the problems your HVAC unit has. This is obviously not good at all. If there is a gas leak in your system, it can not only jeopardize your HVAC, but it can also pose a risk to your life and the lives of others living in your home. They need to be addressed right away and thankfully HVAC experts know exactly what to do during a gas leak.


System Failure: Sometimes the entire system goes wrong and that constitutes what is called a “complete system failure.” When this flares up, your HVAC system stops working altogether and nothing about it functions properly. The consequences from this will be felt right away, as your house will get a lot warmer, the humidity will rise, and you will instantly feel discomfort that is unavoidable. 


Blocked Coils: During the cold months of the year, the condenser coils in your HVAC system might get too cold and then freeze or become blocked. That will prohibit them from functioning, which could make your system work slowly, inefficiently, or perhaps not at all.


Overheating: And during the summer, you may be using your HVAC system a lot to keep yourself cool. If it is worked too hard or something inside of it goes wrong, the system will overheat and essentially stop functioning at all. As you can imagine, HVAC experts are very busy in the summer!