Best Indoor Plants For A Studio Apartment


From plant parents to those with a casual green thumb, keeping plants can be both challenging and rewarding. Are you naming and talking to your plants? We're not here to judge. However, we are here to tell you that keeping a plant in your small apartment can benefit you tremendously, including opening up what is, in reality, a small space. Learn more about a few of the beautiful, vibrant plants that thrive in your studio apartment, adding much-needed light and beauty to a small space.


Succulents, such as the small and brilliant Jade plant, are a great addition to any studio apartment. Jade is a succulent that can survive direct sunlight and only needs to be watered every two weeks. Spider plants are another excellent indoor plant for a studio apartment, fitting into the succulent category. It is extremely low-maintenance, and you can even go out of town for the weekend without worrying about it wilting. Spider plants are self-propagating and small, requiring only water once a week, like the Jade plant. It can also thrive in low and bright indirect light, ideal for apartments.


With large, bright, and tricolored leaves, the Variegated Arrowhead Vine plant is simply beautiful to behold in any indoor environment. It is ideal for a small apartment, however, because it thrives in bright indirect light and also tolerates low light. A bit more high-maintenance than the aforementioned succulents, experienced plant people will have no problem keeping the Arrowhead Vine plant evenly moist and thriving in spring and summer. The Ficus Bonsai is another popular indoor plant that must be kept evenly moist and needs indirect sunlight rather than low light. A vividly green, small tree is the perfect addition to any small space.


Have you heard of the Cast Iron plant? Well, it's the perfect addition to your studio apartment near Disneyland. This plant offers a stunning pop of color in a vibrant green, providing a bright presence and even more light in your small space. The Cast Iron plant can survive in low light, poor soil, and even minimal water - so it's ideal for those new to plants. It is also one of the most durable indoor plants that go a long way in brightening up your space.


When you are on the lookout for the best indoor plants for your apartment, you have plenty of options! Several vibrant, bright plants don't require direct sunlight or a complicated maintenance and watering schedule. Invest in a few succulents and focus; you'll be shocked at how open and bright your apartment now seems.