What Pictures Should I Take at the Scene of a Car Accident?


There are a lot of different pictures that you should consider taking when you have bene in a car accident. You may assume that these will not help at all or are not necessary, but in reality, they can make or break your case. And if you do end up hiring a personal injury lawyer to step in during mediation or take it to trial, you will find that these pictures can be some of the evidence they will use.


But what pictures should you take when the car accident happens? It can depend on the situation and what makes the most sense for your needs. If you are really injured as a result of the accident, then you need to seek medical attention rather than taking the pictures. But if there were no injuries or you are fine enough to stay on the scene for a bit, those pictures will really make a difference.


Some of the pictures you should consider taking include:


# Damage to the car and some of the other vehicles that are involved in the accident.

# License plates of your car and anyone else who was in the accident.

# Show off some of the road conditions at the time. This can include ice or snow and even some issues like road construction that could be. Contributing factor.

# Anything else that may have contributed to the accident, such as road signs and a nearby intersection.

# The insurance ID card of the other driver or driver’s who were there.

# Anything else that you think is relevant to the accident and could be useful later on.


Your phone should help out here by date stamping and recording the time the pictures were taken. You should also note the name and any phone numbers, if possible, of witnesses that were there. The responding police officer can work to get this done too if you forget or need to seek medical attention.


It can be confusing to know which step to take when it is time to handle your car accident case. Some people will try to handle it on their own, assuming that they will be able to talk with the insurance companies and do all the work on their own. But this is never a good idea and it will often cut down on how much you will be able to get. When you work with Luke Ellis, a GJEL legal professional to help take control. Their team will be able to answer your questions and will handle the insurance company for you along the way. Contact a member of their team to get started!